domingo, 13 de junio de 2010

Documento sobre la realidad de la diversidad sexual en el mundo de la discapacidad


Maribel Ortega Álvarez,
(psicóloga, orientadora en sexualidad, facilitadora de grupos, orientadora humanista y psicoterapeuta gestalt).

Filiación: AVE de México A. C.

La sexualidad es una dimensión fundamental del ser humano basada en el sexo; incluye el género, el erotismo, el vínculo afectivo y la reproductividad...

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miércoles, 9 de junio de 2010

"GLBT & Disability Group" de Long Island del Estado de Nueva York

GLBT & Disability Group

4th Thursday of Each Month 7-8pm

Having a disability means different things to different people but if you have physical, medical, emotional, and/or psychological challenges, it is sometimes difficult to get the support that you may need. GLBT & Disability is a social/support group for those who identify as being part of the GLBT community. The group meets once a month to provide a safe, respectful, non judgemental environment of both support and socialization, and is open to all regardless of age, gender or ability.

Join us on the 4th Thursday of each Month at 7-8pm at The Center!

Upcoming meeting dates:

•February 25, 2010
•March 25, 2010
•April 22, 2010
•May 27, 2010
